None of us have seen a draft of these regulations yet, but no doubt a draft exists somewhere on a PC belonging to some lawyer in the Department for Communities and Local Government. One thing’s for sure: the exact wording of the bit about adoption services hasn’t been quite settled yet.

What I think is really really fascinating about the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminister’s intervention, from a legal point of view is that, Occhiali Ray Ban outlet although no doubt civil servants are as we blog trying to think of some compromise, it’s quite difficult to imagine how any kind of compromise could be written in to the regulations. An opt-out would be a complete victory for Rome, of course, and Ruth Kelly; complete coverage of all adoption services, a complete victory for gay activists, the Labour backbenches and most of the cabinet. But is any third way possible?

I can’t really think of one.

2017-03-18T03:39:41+00:00Tags: , , |