A few weeks ago I published the witness statement of Oliver Robbins served on behalf of the Home Secretary in the Miranda case. That statement referred (at para. 32) to a further statement to be served by the police, also in opposition to David Miranda’s application for an injunction.

Now I can also publish that police statement, made on 27 August by Detective Superintendent Caroline Goode, Senior Investigating Officer in SO15, the Met’s Counter-Terrorism Command. Thanks to Richard Greenhill (who obtained the statement by a Freedom of Information Request) for letting me know about it.

If you’ve been following this case closely you may remember that after an initial urgent hearing the High Court ordered restrictions on the inspection of the seized material (for national security, and to find out if David Miranda has been concerned in terrorism) for a week. Then at the proper hearing of David Miranda’s interim injunction application on August 30, those restrictions were widened by agreement of both sides, to allow inspection of the material for the purposes of criminal investigation. Caroline Goode’s statement was clearly key evidence on the basis of which it seems David Miranda and his lawyers felt they could not resist that wider inspection.

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