Justice Secretary Jack Straw is proposing that the Supreme Court, when it starts work in October 2009, should be expanded from the twelve Justices originally proposed: he’s suggesting the appointment of a number of “people’s justices” from outside the normal judicial establishment.

In a leaked e-mail to the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Phillips, he’s put forward a number of possible candidates, to be made life peers in the next New Year’s honours list: Lady Chakrabarti, currently head of Liberty; Lord Anderson, former barrister and presenter of Radio 4’s Unreliable Evidence; the authors Lady Hegarty and Lord Barnes; Memery Crystal partner Lord Moore; TV performer and personality Lord Brown; former solicitor Lord Mortimer; Jefferson Crabtree partner Lady Gupta; and the barrister and leading academic Baroness McLoughlin of Meols.

Full details of the leaked e-mail are here.

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