Oh my God! I find myself coming over all lawyerly and conservative when I survey this appalling bill, which got through second reading in the Commons yesterday and which http://www.raybani.com/ would remove the right to trial by jury in fraud cases. The government’s logic is… well, to say flawed would be kind. There is none. Read the debate, and see the Solicitor General floundering, here.

It’s all nonsense. Lots of trials are too long: not just fraud trials. The Solicitor General says, over and over again, that he doesn’t think jurors are stupid. But what other reason is there for this bill? I’m afraid if enacted this would lead to two classes of thief: the nasty dirty little jury-convicted sort, and the nice posh suited judge-convicted sort.

2017-03-18T03:27:22+00:00Tags: |