Jacqui Smith is on her feet as I write, opening the third reading debate on the Counter-Terrorism Bill: at about 7 o’clock tonight MPs will finally vote on the government’s proposed reserve power to extend detention of terror suspects without charge beyond 28 days, up to a maximum of 42.

Nick Robinson thinks the government will get its way tonight: it’s obvious from what ministers have been saying today that horse trading is going on like mad behind the scenes. The DUP MP Gregory Campbell said on Sky News not long ago that his party hadn’t yet made up its mind how to vote – they may end up being decisive.

At PMQs, Nick Clegg picked up on the CRE’s threat of legal action, and argued that the government was wasting its time in the House because the courts would ensure this bill can never be put into effect. If that were really right, he and other defenders of civil liberties could just relax about the bill, couldn’t they?