Julian Assange: one year older

It's a year since Julian Assange's extraordinary decision to seek refuge in Ecuador's London embassy. What should be done about him? The government has three broad options: it can try to de-recognise Ecuador's embassy or break off diplomatic relations and [...]


Charles Crawford on Julian Assange

August 21 2012

This afternoon I spoke to Charles Crawford, the former British ambassador to Sarajevo, Belgrade and Warsaw and now mediator and Telegraph blogger, about the international law and diplomatic ramifications of the Julian Assange stand-off. He shares his view about the [...]


Julian Assange’s statement today

August 19 2012

A few thoughts, following Julian Assange's extraordinary statement from the windows of the Ecuadorian embassy earlier today. First, the physical arrangements. What was interesting was that he didn't even step on to the balcony proper; he remained firmly on the [...]

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